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* [Pic 9] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - Level 7 view (Sept 1987) *

[Pic 9] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - Level 7 view (Sept 1987)

Looking down (from Level 6) towards the 7-8 incline head (buried in the trees) with the two trucks in view again. Note the large tip on the left is far more recent than those on the right and you can see how its buried the older tips along with the tramway route to the level 7 adit - the start of the curve towards this adit can be seen left of the trucks.
* [Pic 10] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - level 6 view (Sept 1987) *

[Pic 10] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - level 6 view (Sept 1987)

Pic 10 shows level 6 from level 5. A winding house wall of the 6-7 incline can be seen beyond the small (weighbridge?) building. Out of view (on the right) is the scant remains of the 'Upper' mill, while the short cutting (lower right) led to the level 6 adit with an incline (coming down from level 5) just traceable on its far side beyond the fencing. This incline had an overbridge close to its summit where it bisected the level 5 rubbish run - the large tip from this is hidden among the trees on the right. On level 5 was a large but now badly degraded pit (technically 3 pits - with a tramway route piercing the 2 dividing walls) accessed from a neat cutting on level 5. Within this is a curious isolated adit and tramway shelf - presumeably now marooned after quarrying removed its connection.
* [Pic 11] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - Open pit (Sept 1987) *

[Pic 11] Ratgoed Slate Quarry - Open pit (Sept 1987)

Looking inside one of the three pits and it's clear that quarrying here ceased a long time ago. The pits are heavilly degraded and partly infilled, but chambering from below does break out into them.
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